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A tale of two dietary requirements

Image by Henry & Co.
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Meet dIANE

A long-time vegetarian as well as being dairy-intolerant, Diane certainly knows what it's like to struggle with food choices. As the Mum in the Robin Rose mother-daughter duo, she took it upon herself to perfect baking no matter the dietary requirement - and she's pretty darn good at it! She may or may not be found listening to George Michael's greatest hits in the kitchen, though she will neither confirm nor deny. 


Favourite cake: Coconut jam

Image by Henry & Co.
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meet china

Diagnosed coeliac at twenty and soon after developing lactose and soy intolerances, China is no stranger to the free-from aisle. She's also no stranger to missing out on birthday cake, last-minute lunches, and Krispy Kreme doughnuts (cue the tiny violin). She's often found watching The Office or Brooklyn Nine-Nine in the kitchen and she's the Captain of our social media ship. Why don't you say hello over on our Instagram?


Favourite cake: Rhubarb and custard

Image by Henry & Co.
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enter: robin rose bakes

A joint business venture between mother and daughter, Robin Rose Bakes was born out of sheer frustration from the lack of good gluten and dairy-free food. We wanted to ensure that no one has to go without, whether it's a BBQ, birthday party, or work event. 


Gluten and dairy-free food doesn't have to be finicky or full of ingredients you've never heard of - we like to keep it simple and tasty. We're committed to being completely transparent about the ingredients we use and where we source them.


From free-range eggs to planet-friendly packaging, every part of Robin Rose is carefully considered and thoughtfully put together. We really hope you love our cakes as much as we do.


All fun, no fuss.

Both Diane and China hold their Level 2 Food Hygiene and Safety For Retail certificates. Robin Rose Bakes Ltd is a registered business with the local authority and holds a 5-star Food Hygiene Rating from the Food Standards Agency.

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